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Before Hitler was: Looking for a Doppelganger

The occultist magician Aleister Crowley liked to describe himself as the Antichrist of the Apocalypse (Therion - Beast 666) and once boasted: "Before Hitler was, I am." He often claimed that Adolf Hitler was his guinea pig or magic child, a term used by hypnotists to describe an "inner shadow" or product of the unguarded psyche. 

While in America during the First World War, Crowley unflinchingly proposed "collecting a large number of photographs, full face and profile for each subject, and classifying them according to the horoscope." To other occultists, such a photo experiment would have been for "the educated astrologer to adopt scientific methods of study." But it would have also been a very good way for a schemer of in-the-flesh identity fraud to look for his double or look-alike:

"The labour required for this research would be enormous, but the bulk of it would be done by ordinary clerks. And as for the preliminary difficulty of collecting material, any great newspaper could carry out the scheme easily enough. It would of course be necessary to publish an explanation of the proposal with a questionnaire covering the principle points, and asking for good photographs to be sent with the filled up form."
- The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

Police and military intelligence files are even better sources for collecting mug shots than a newspaper survey. (Today you could probably pack hundreds of pod storage units with their files. If you didn't have access to portable pod storage of such secret files you would have to come up with a way to change that). According to Crowley, Professor Hugo Munsterberg of Harvard University was the war-time secret director of German propaganda in America. Crowley went to great lengths to act as a friend to Munsterberg and even volunteered to collect and report information for Germany and the Central Powers of World War I.

Hundreds or perhaps thousands of photographs of German soldiers could have been classified and studied to find Crowley's look-alike. But why Aleister Crowley? According to some accounts, Crowley was not only an occultist, but also a double-agent during the First World War; a skilled practitioner of counter-espionage. He wrote disturbing anti-British stories for a pro-German weekly paper called The Fatherland, published in America by George Sylvester Viereck. And the New York Times even printed a three-column article about how he supposedly destroyed his British passport, while standing in a small motorboat with a woman playing a violin, under the Statue of Liberty. Crowley had told Viereck in 1915 that he wanted to help Germany in order "to exploit the stupidity of the British public." But he later claimed to others that he was actually doing mischief to Germany by working upon "the baser passions of the mob" and wrecking the German propaganda machine.

"It was necessary to persuade the Germans that arrogance and violence were sound policy, that bad faith was the cleverest diplomacy, that insult was the true meaning of winning friendship, and direct injury the proper conjuration to call up gratitude." - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

The brutalizing or demoralization of Germany was his apparent goal. During the First World War, Crowley sent secret correspondence to an acquaintance in the British Intelligence Department, saying that he was "in a position to get into the full confidence of the Germans." Crowley maintained  that he "had the absolute confidence, years old, of a man high in the German secret service," and that he "could go to Germany" under an assumed identity and "report on the conditions of the country" as a spy for Britain. When his secret proposal was rejected by British Intelligence, Crowley wrote that he "was compelled to go on playing a lone hand." If Crowley was indeed preparing to penetrate the German intelligence community, having his own German look-alike would have provided him with a safety escape measure. Perhaps this is where our doppelganger plot of identity fraud begins.

While it is still not clear whether Aleister Crowley was primarily spying for Britain, Germany, or a rogue regime, we do know from his writings that he was looking for a distinct type of doppelganger or "Magic Child."  Of course, Crowley's double had to be someone who closely resembled him in photos and in the flesh. But Crowley also needed a look-alike with a clean police and service record, perhaps even a soldier noted for courage on the battlefield. He also needed someone single, an unknown loner living far enough away from any family members or friends who might otherwise notice the "switch-over." But most important, he needed someone who was still morally innocent; a virgin. The Magic Child would be the ritual sacrificial victim or foundational guinea pig for Crowley's new anti-Christian religion. The motives which determined the policy of Crowley's political actions would be kept secret. The Magic Child would be forced to forfeit his identity and, if the devil had his way, even his soul.

"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence. It is the sacrifice of oneself spiritually. And the intelligence and innocence of that male child are the perfect understanding of the Magician, his one aim, without lust of result. And male he must be, because what he sacrifices is not the material blood, but his creative power." - Aleister Crowley


Switch-Over: The Great Change

In his 1983 book The Leader and the Damned, Colin Forbes was perhaps first to make popular the idea that Adolf Hitler's double may have been responsible for the final horrors of the Second World War. Forbes points to a 1943 bomb attack on the Fuhrer's private plane as the time for the "switch-over" between the real Hitler and his impostor. But recent studies indicate that the greatest change in Adolf Hitler's personality (and physical appearance) took place long before he became well-known. It happened in 1918, while Hitler was still a soldier at the end of  World War I.

About two months after winning the Iron Cross, Hitler was blinded by mustard gas during a battle. He was taken to the Pasewalk military hospital in northern Germany where he was diagnosed as suffering from "psychopathic hysteria." Hitler was consequently placed under the care of a psychiatrist, Dr. Edmund Forster. What exactly was done to Hitler while under Dr. Forster's care is uncertain because years later, in 1933, the Gestapo rounded up all psychiatric records related to Hitler's treatment and destroyed them. Dr. Forster "committed suicide" in that same year.

In a work published in the History of Childhood Quarterly, psycho-historian Dr. Rudolph Binion suggested that Hitler's psychopathic visions may have been deliberately induced by the military hospital psychiatrist, Edmund Forster. Dr. Binion cited a book completed in 1939 entitled, Der Augenzeuge (The Eyewitness), written by a Jewish doctor named Ernst Weiss who knew Dr. Forster and had fled Germany in 1933. It is a thinly fictionalized account of Hitler's "miracle cure." As a follow-up in a published review, David Bonnell recently summarized the Pasewalk puzzle:

There is considerable controversy regarding precisely when Hitler became driven to destroy the Jews and dominate the world. There is strong evidence, however, that the 'hate and pain' which characterized Hitler's speeches in 1919 and afterward, as well as his fanatical purpose, were not in evidence prior to his psychiatric treatment.

Other psychologists have also published conclusions similar to those of Dr. Binion. In November 20, 1998, for example,  the following feature article was dispatched by Reuters to international newspapers:

Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Reuters) -- Adolf Hitler's belief he was meant to rule the world may have stemmed in part from a hypnotic suggestion given during treatment for hysterical blindness in 1918, a Louisiana psychiatrist said in the November Journal of Forensic Science. Dr. David Post, a forensic psychiatrist at the state's forensics hospital in Jackson, Louisiana, based his theory on a book he believes used material from a German military hospital where Hitler was treated after he was temporarily blinded in a mustard gas attack in the First World War in October 1918. Hitler was a corporal at the time, but the hospital records from that period were later destroyed by the Gestapo, although Hitler wrote of his sudden blindness and his resolve to enter politics if he regained his sight. After Germany's surrender on Nov. 11, 1918, Hitler wrote that he had "a supernatural vision ... A miracle came to pass" and he could see again.

In a book called "Eyewitness" by Ernst Weiss, an exiled German doctor and novelist, a German psychiatrist in a military hospital uses hypnotic suggestion in a still-accepted medical protocol for post-traumatic stress syndrome. He tells the patient A.H.: "I am a simple doctor. But perhaps you yourself have the rare power, which occurs only occasionally in a thousand years, to work a miracle. Jesus did it. Mohammed. The saints.... An ordinary person with such a condition would be blind for life. But for a person of particular strength and will and spiritual energy, there are no limits."

"You have to have a blind faith in yourself, then you will stop being blind ... You know that Germany needs people who have energy and blind self-confidence. Austria is at an end, but not Germany," the book passage stated. Hitler was born in Austria. Post believes that passage was based on the German Pasewalk Military Hospital notes and records of Weiss' friend, Dr. Edmund Forster, chief of the Berlin University Nerve Clinic, who treated Hitler at Pasewalk in 1918.

"It was chilling and disturbing to me to read what I believe may have been an account of his hypnotic session," Post told Reuters. Weiss wrote the book for a literary competition in Paris in 1933. 

He committed suicide as the German army marched into the city and the book was not published until the 1960s. Weiss also was on the board of a German exiles newspaper Forster contacted in Paris in 1933, taking copies of his records from Pasewalk. Forster warned the editorial board not to be surprised if he were killed.

Shortly after returning to Germany, Post said, Forster was picked up by the Gestapo on charges of "harboring a subversive attitude toward the new (Hitler's) regime." After 13 days of interrogation, Forster was reported to have killed himself. The records of Hitler's 29-day stay at Pasewalk later were destroyed by the Gestapo, Post said. Although Hitler suffered what are now considered classic symptoms of mustard gas poisoning, including depression, he was diagnosed as a "psychopath with hysterical tendencies" by Forster even before the hysterical blindness, Post said. 

Post is a faculty member at the Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans and a former fellow in forensic psychiatry at Harvard University Medical School, where he began his research on Hitler. Post documented connections between Weiss and Forster through interviews with historians, a Hitler biographer, a copy of a 1943 U.S. Naval Intelligence report declassified in 1973, and records of the German exiles' newspaper. 

"Because of the deaths and the records' destruction, we'll never be able to prove definitively if Weiss' book is a direct account from Forster's reports or just an incorporation of key passages," Post said. "But I'm convinced the account is true."

Psycho-historians agree that the greatest change in Adolf Hitler's life occurred in Pasewalk Military Hospital while recovering from a mustard gas attack at the end of World War I. His hatred for Jews may have been implanted there by hypnosis, drugs and modern brain washing techniques. But if Aleister Crowley saw a double or look-alike in Hitler, his sudden switch-over to Aryan racism would not have been a coincidence. To bigoted Crowley, all women were unintelligent, and black men were primitive. Jews were vile in his opinion and "possess bad qualities" not because they want to, but because they have been forced to behave as such by the development of hostility over a long period of time: 

"But the Jew has been persecuted so relentlessly that his survival has depended on the development of his worst qualities; avarice, servility, falseness, cunning and the rest." - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

An explanation for what may have happened in Pasewalk to cause Hitler's desire to rule the world is that Dr. Forster developed a scientific method of producing a "programmed assassin" or cruel, pre-coded tyrant using mind control drugs. But the drastic alteration of Hitler's personality may have been a more thorough switch-over than just a change of mind. Pasewalk would have presented a perfect opportunity for identity theft, the world's fastest growing crime today. If so, perhaps the real Adolf Hitler never left the military psychiatrist's  watch, but remained an experimental hostage or guinea pig (i.e. extraordinary rendition) until his apparent suicide. An in-the-flesh impostor such as Crowley, using Hitler's name and personal data to spy within Germany in ways that involved fraud and deception, may have been the man who was actually released from Pasewalk Hospital a month later:

A young German soldier lies in a hospital bed, suffering from hysteria and mustard gas blisters. His face is bandaged with gauze. Is he really Adolf Hitler? When the bandages are finally removed, he will only slightly resemble his earlier person. A New Hitler is about to be hatched, a changed man, with almost no recollection of his past. His nose, forehead, and chin will seem permanently altered from inflammations caused by exposure to mustard gas. From now on, his voice will sound rough and croaking due to respiratory damage and coughing. He will wear dark glasses during the first period of recovery from his chemical blindness. He will have extreme difficulty recognizing his close friends and remembering old acquaintances. But he will be a New Hitler indeed, always mindful of the miraculous change which guided him on his occult mission to lead Germany.  Literally overnight, he will quickly discover his eloquent powers of ceremonial speech. And he will debate with dogmatic opinions about history, geopolitics, philosophy, and other things that never crossed his mind before. The uneducated country bumpkin who never had a girlfriend will suddenly emerge from a few weeks in hospital as a seasoned diplomatic leader and spy. He will even shamelessly seduce his own niece. 

Yet ironically, in 1918 the New Hitler will abruptly lose his artistic talent. Out of awkwardness, he must abandon the art of applying  paint to canvas, even as a pastime. The illustrator who once made a living by selling landscape paintings in Vienna will now be all thumbs: he can't draw a straight line. His artist's signature will not be the same.

Hitler supposedly painted between one and three watercolors a day during his Vienna years. If one assumes he painted only one painting a day, and only three days a week, then the minimum number he would have painted would be six hundred, which is close to Hitler’s own recollection of "over a thousand." While the early years were doubtless lean at times, he was not nearly as destitute as he indicates in Mein Kampf.  After Hitler's stay in Pasewalk Hospital he stopped painting and concerned himself with politics. Yet it would be wrong to say that he no longer had time for art.

One of his most ambitious projects was codename Sonderauftrag Linz (Special Assignment Linz). It involved establishing Linz, Austria as the art capitol of Europe and stripping Vienna of that distinction. It is interesting to note that one of Hitler’s favorite official functions was the dedication of art galleries depicting a variety of artworks, past and present. Yet he himself would no longer paint. Only when critics became skeptical of his artistic talent did Hitler finally produce a few more paintings and architectural sketches in the 1920s and late 30s. (Of course, there were also forgeries and copies of his work which the Nazis ordered destroyed.) If we assume that the real Adolf Hitler was still being held as a secret hostage since his stay in Pasewalk Hospital, it would not have been difficult for his military guards to persuade him (by threat or torture) to produce a few more paintings to satisfy the public's curiosity. Characteristically, Hitler's last artworks were interiors, as one might expect from a prisoner under secret arrest. It is highly possible that in those final paintings, the Pasewalk hostage left abstract visual clues about himself and his captors.  

Click here to see some

Keeping a doppelganger hostage could serve two main purposes in this type of in-the-flesh identity theft. First, to be able to interrogate the hostage at will, and extract any relevant information about that person's life, including other people's names, past activities, and special experiences worth quoting or remembering. Second, if the secret plan to commit genocide or violate sovereignty went wrong, the look-alike hostage would be blamed and killed in a way resembling suicide. The real criminal would then be able to escape unnoticed.   

 Help never comes  


Rumors of a Hitler-Hostage: Official World War Two intelligence reports from some nations disclosed formal references to "a war prisoner named Hitler." According to Reich leaders, the mysterious hostage was Adolf Hitler's favorite nephew, Heinz, who they said was captured by Soviet troops.  Resembling an off-camera scene from Fleming's "The Man From UNCLE," an exchange of prisoners was supposedly set in motion with Stalin to free the obscure Hitler-Hostage. But his fate remains unknown. He is presumed to have died in a death camp in 1942.

Photographic Trickery and the Likelihood of Fraud

Investigation News

The Hidden Origins of Nazism


Time to Meet the New Man

Where was Aleister Crowley during Hitler's miserable stay in Pasewalk Hospital? For the most part, we know that Crowley had dropped out of sight. Anyone wishing to meet with him was kindly informed by friends or solicitors that Mr. Crowley had gone on a Masonic "Magical Retreat" to a secret place he called Oesopus Island.  He supposedly went off to camp and canoe for over a month somewhere, writing a commentary on the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu. Since Crowley had studied for the foreign service, he learned various languages including Russian and modern Persian Farsi. 

"Persian fascinated me more than any other language had ever done and I revelled in the ideas of the Sufis." - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

Crowley studied to be a diplomat at Cambridge, before devoting himself entirely to the occult, and was competent in his knowledge of English, French and German. He considered himself to be a neglected poet. But where was his mysterious Oesopus island, not listed in any Atlas or travel guide? Gary Alexander, a freelance writer who lives in New York, recently wrote: 

Aleister Crowley came not to some Olympian myth of an upstate island named "Oesopus" for magical retreat but to our own Esopus Island right here in the Hudson Valley. Today, Esopus Island, a small rocky streak of land in the Hudson, is still uninhabited and officially off-limits. Coast Guard markers are sunk into the rock at the southern end. Visitors have left carvings in stone and painted graffiti, but one searches in vain for traces of Crowley or his campsite.

There are no wartime reports of Aleister Crowley ever being in Esopus Island, not even in the official Hudson Valley records. He simply vanished from America during the summer of 1918 and did not turn up in England again until the next year. When magical scoundrels may have escaped the process of legend-building, a New Hitler had entered Germany. The missing weeks that marked the end of the First World War would have been as good a time as any for Hitler and Crowley to meet. Biographer John Symmonds quotes Crowley:

I never met... someone so demonic as Herr Hitler. Why do you think I spend so much time with him? And come when he bids me? I tell you only the universe can prevail against Hitler. But the universe for the present doesn’t seem to be interested; though Hitler is the enemy of the universe, that is to say of God; for the universe is only God’s instrument. It is as if God said, "Let mankind learn a lesson; they need to open their eyes a little wider. Hitler will do that for them. Just wait. They will see things that men have never seen or heard before - such horrors that there will be no word in the German or any other language to describe them."

Hitler: "And are you an angel of darkness?" 

Crowley: "You’ll find out in good time all about me. For the present, I’ll say this: if I were an angel of light, you wouldn’t want to know me."

Was Hitler really Crowley's guinea pig? "Before Hitler was, I am," replied the new man. By 1919, the New Hitler immediately began identifying all colleagues and fellow soldiers who smelled a rat (or impostor).  He earned himself a promotion by having them rounded up to be shot as Communists. Then, he was assigned to the highly secret Political Department of the Army District Command. Hitler's new unit was an intelligence operation (Crowley's German-spy ambitions realized) that engaged in acts of domestic terrorism. The unit refused to accept the defeat of the German-Turkish Central Powers in World War I and assassinated some of the leaders who had negotiated surrender. The New Hitler had now entered a different, wealthier inner social circle. He avoided, and in many cases even refused to see his old acquaintances and relatives. In a secret wartime report, later published as The Mind Of Adolf Hitler, Walter C. Langer drew attention to the curious fact that the New Hitler supposedly always carried a photograph of his deceased mother in his vest pocket. Yet when questioned about her, he could not remember the date of her death. 
Another peculiar detail noticed by Langer was Hitler's German "accent" or particular mode of pronunciation. It is taken for granted that Hitler sometimes uttered Germanic syllables with a local Austrian dialect. But his voice defect was important enough to be brought to the attention of William Donovan, the director of OSS (forerunner of CIA).  

The New Hitler ran into serious dysfunction when he plotted to kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian government and force them at gunpoint to accept him as their leader. With the aid of famous World War One General Erich Ludendorff, he hoped to win over the German army, proclaim a nationwide revolt and bring down the German democratic government in Berlin. The Nazis put this plan into action when they learned there would be a large gathering of businessmen in a Munich beer hall and the guests of honor were to be the Bavarian leaders they wanted to kidnap. It did not occur to them to first take over newspaper offices and radio broadcasting stations. A beer hall was selected instead as the best site for their revolution. In an incidental way, Aleister Crowley had a self-centered tendency of using beer halls to stage his magical events. His family fortune came from the brewing of Crowley's Ale.

Crowley celebrated a Gnostic Mass the basis of which is in the believed sexual secrets of the Eucharist. Some of Wicca’s analysts guess the Gnostic Mass to be the origin of the “Cakes and Ale” ceremony that is part of Wiccan rituals.

"On November 8 and 9, 1923, SA troops under the direction of Hermann Goring surrounded the place. Hitler and his storm troopers burst into the beer hall causing instant panic. Hitler fired a pistol shot into the ceiling. 'Silence!' he yelled at the stunned crowd."

Hitler and Ludendorff then marched through the streets of Munich at the head of a group of roughly 3000 men, only to be met by police gunfire which resulted in sixteen dead and Hitler's arrest. This brought the would-be putsch to an end.

On February 26, 1924 the New Hitler was tried for his crime. He successfully turned the tables on his accusers with a "white brotherhood" propagandist speech. Hitler was sentenced to five years imprisonment in Landsberg Prison. It was during this time that his autobiography, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), was dictated to Rudolph Hess. Hitler was released November 1924, after serving only nine months of his five year sentence.

Where was Aleister Crowley from the time of the failed Nazi beer hall putsch until Hitler's release from Landsberg Prison? In 1923 Crowley was suddenly expelled from Sicily by Mussolini (Mussolini later asked the Pope to excommunicate Adolf Hitler). Once more, Aleister Crowley dropped out of public view on a new "Magical Retreat," supposedly going to Tunisia this time, for several months of isolation to complete his autobiography, "The Confessions." He did not resurface in Europe again until 1924, having undergone the "supreme ordeal" for his initiation of the Masonic Ipsissimus Grade in Paris.
  As one might expect, Crowley's published autobiography briefly described a dismal incident involving street gunfire: "I do not know whether I stepped over fallen bodies or not... The report of the pistol, the screams (for all I know!) of the wounded or frightened men, and the alarm given by the fugitives, had aroused the entire district."

One of Aleister Crowley's German secret societies - based on Ottoman Caliphate role play, assumed identities, and sex magic - was known as O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis). Crowley declared that the Silver Star (S.S.) was his grand occult school, in succession to the mission of Mohammed.

During a museum visit in Egypt with his wife Rose Kelly, Crowley was attracted to an ancient Egyptian artifact with exhibit number 666. Shortly later an entity known as Aiwass dictated "The Book of the Law" to Crowley. The book expounds a spiritual path called Thelema, the Greek word for "the will."

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." 

A member of the OTO wrote to Adolf Hitler on behalf on Crowley, suggesting that Thelema was the best choice for the national religion of the Third Reich. Hitler summoned an up-and-coming movie director named Leni Riefenstahl and asked her to film the entire week-long 1934 Nazi rally at Nuremberg. Her film of the Nuremberg rally bore the title personally chosen by Hitler, "Triumph of the Will," and became one of the most powerful propaganda statements ever made. As a pseudo-religious movement, the "triumph of Thelema" became political gold, symbolizing the neo-pagan dynasty Hitler claimed would survive for the next thousand years.

Aleister Crowley's most important occult ritual is said to have been the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage. Ironically, Crowley was never able to complete the operation which lasts over a year. It is a series of prayers that allow magicians to converse with guardian angels and secure the salvation of the soul. And it requires a special place to perform it:

Ye shall choose an apartment which hath a window, joined unto the which shall be an uncovered terrace (or balcony), and a lodge (or small room or hut) covered with a roof, but so that there may be on every side windows whence you may be able to see in every direction, and whence you may enter into the oratory. In the which place the evil spirits shall be able to appear, since they cannot appear within the oratory itself. In the which place, beside the oratory towards the quarter of the North, you shall have a roofed or covered lodge, in the which and from whence one may be able to see the oratory.

The Berghof was Adolf Hitler's home in Obersalzberg, in the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden. It was located on the same mountain as the Eagle's Nest and was connected to the Platterhof Hotel by a series of complex bunkers deep inside the mountain. The tunnel system was an outstanding piece of underground engineering with a subterranean engine that provided power to run the elevator. Yet strangely enough, Hitler's favorite place was neither the Berghof nor the Eagle's Nest, but a cozy Tea House built on the northern boundary of the area. The pleasant walk to the "Teehaus" often became the scene for important political decisions. Hitler preferred to relax, and even nap, in the Teehaus itself, dreaming of dark angels while surrounded by his closest friends and occult associates.

 Scotland Yard: Foiled Again

Aleister Crowley attracted the attention of Scotland Yard on various occasions. Crowley claimed he had personal information concerning Jack the Ripper's identity

Don't call him "Eddie."

    It was London, 1888. A teenage boy called "Little Eddie," went to work with red stains on his hands. Little Eddie was a sex worker, a new attraction to the Cleveland Street boy's brothel. He was the latest teacher's pet of the aristocratic gay community. But he took it the wrong way. When he arrived for his birthday bash with blood on his hands, some gentlemen wondered: Was it from the bite of a dog or the beak of Poe's raven? But others knew better. It was London, 1888, and the horrors of Whitechapel weighed heavily on everyone's mind. A few men suddenly grasped that Jack the Ripper was a teenager.



Knife crime has overtaken terrorism as the No 1 priority for the Metropolitan Police, one of Britain’s most senior officers said. Deputy Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson announced the formation of a special knife-crime unit to address the recent spate of fatal stabbings in London as he admitted that moves to stop teenagers carrying weapons were not working. 

"Knife crime to replace terror as police priority," The Times, July 5, 2008.

An emotionally disturbed teenager could have written the Jack the Ripper "from hell" and "dear boss" letters that reached Scotland Yard.

At times, it seems as if barely a day can pass without some new report of a stabbing, a savage beating, an unprovoked assault. The public and political response to the spiralling violence by, and among, Britain's teenagers is a mixture of outrage, confusion and despair. And simmering at the back of our consciousness is the sense that a generation has been lost and that there is no answer.

"I've got kids who sleep with knives under their pillows," The Independent, May 27, 2008.

Female victims of Jack the Ripper could have given up their vigilance if approached by a lone teenager seeking directions in the night.

"Studies have shown that (children) who have been victims of violent crime are twice as likely to carry a knife," a spokesman for London's Centre for Crime and Justice Studies said. "I think over a period of time we have demonised children and young people. They don't trust the police any more. They don't feel safe on the streets and they don't even feel safe at school."

"Kids Don't Trust Police," Sky News Online, March 19, 2007.

The Jack the Ripper occult “Juwes” message upon a Goulston Street wall was written with school chalk apt to be found in a teenage student’s pocket.

In 2008, a teenager stabbed five people after a school 
football game and slipped through the police lines. 


When rumors hinted that "Little Eddie of Cleveland Street" was Jack the Ripper, the police quickly moved in. During the 1889 Cleveland Street scandal investigation, the male sex workers were given light sentences and no clients were prosecuted. But a few years later, Oscar Wilde was accused of being an active homosexual. He was arrested, found guilty of indecency, and condemned to two years' hard labor.

Prince Eddy of the British Royal Family (Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale) was sometimes said to visit the Cleveland Street sauna baths. But there was another Little Eddie in the same murky dwelling. He was one of the telegraph messenger "rent boys" or liveried squires that filled the baths and laundered the towels (according to "Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution" by Stephen Knight, published in 1976). As soon as the stabbing rumors started, he changed his name and slipped through the police dragnets. Edward Alexander Crowley changed his name to "Aleister" after he was about 14 years old. ("Edward did not seem to suit me and the diminutives Ted or Ned were even less appropriate.") But he didn't change his handwriting very much:

Jack's handwriting 

Edward's handwriting 


According to his "Confessions," Aleister Crowley had his first sex experience when he was approximately 13 years old, with a much older "family servant." In view of conventional wisdom, it would make him a victim of pedophilia. He presents the master bedroom incident in his autobiography as a great conquest. But a 13 year old boy is not responsible for having sex with an adult guardian any more than a teenage student is with a schoolteacher. Crowley's alpha-male boastings were self-defense mechanisms to allow him to believe he was in command of the situation, when in fact he had been a victim of maltreatment and child abuse.

Some biographers also mention that Crowley was born with "phimosis" (tightness of the prepuce) and that his first sexual affair caused his foreskin to tear, requiring an urgent circumcision. Such a psychological bond between the Victorian guilt of teenage sex and the trauma of painful bleeding may explain much about his magical facade at the Cleveland Street boy's brothel, and his morbid attitude later in life. Aleister Crowley was a sexually abused youth according to our modern legal system.

In his "Confessions" Crowley portrayed his secret fireside chats with Jack the Ripper in the guise of a mysterious tenant or chaperone. The prostitute victims of Jack the Ripper did not appear to have had pimps or men who guarded them and lived off their earnings. Freelance hookers were considered an industry threat to the Cleveland Street brothel and similar illicit enterprises. Most of Jack the Ripper's murders took place in the Whitechapel area of London in the autumn of 1888, around the time of Aleister Crowley's 13th birthday. 

Jack the Ripper’s claim in a letter that he kept human organ pieces in jars bore a resemblance to W. Somerset Maugham’s 1908 novel, “The Magician,” where Aleister Crowley (Oliver Haddo) is caught storing glandular parts and fetal remains in test tube bottles. A year after his father died of cancer, Crowley's casual escort into the Cleveland Street gay landscape was his father's old friend Aubrey Beardsley, best known for his erotic illustrations. Beardsley later met in France with Oscar Wilde and Walter Sickert, an Impressionist artist who Stephen Knight connected to the Ripper murders.


Aleister Crowley attended Trinity College at Cambridge University, but was forced to walk out just before completing his degree because it became notorious that he was a severe necrophiliac. He admitted to various lurid debaucheries, including sex magic acts that involved "feeding blood to a human skeleton" that he kept in his flat.


Aleister Crowley's sinister approval of the German-Ottoman Central Powers during World War I became a well-known embarrassment for England, where the national press called him "the world's wickedest man." But secret investigations into Crowley's espionage acts reached an even higher pitch during the Second World War. 

One case involved a special unit that was created to monitor the movements of carrier pigeons using the expertise of Lord Tredegar, a falconer, whose birds of prey were sent in pursuit of suspected spy pigeons (The Falcon Unit). The question of Nazi pigeons was taken seriously enough to launch a pigeon deception plan over the English Channel during the German advance into Belgium and France. The object of this exercise was to confuse the enemy by filling the sky with pigeons. It is mentioned by Nigel West in MI5: British Security Service Operations 1909-1945, (Great Britain, 1981). "Lord Tredegar, an Old Etonian Welshman, had been somewhat indiscreet after lunching with Lady Baden-Powell and actually gave her a guided tour of his office as well as describing how he was engaged in the destruction of Nazi carrier pigeons. When word leaked of Tredegar's lapse he was taken into custody at the Tower of London but released soon afterwards when MI5 intervened. This, however, was not the last of the affair. Tredegar was outraged by his arrest and threatened dire consequences. He retired to his country seat, Tredegar Park in South Wales, and invited Aleister Crowley, the renowned occultist and magician, to prepare a spell. Coincidentally or otherwise, Tredegar's arresting officer fell painfully ill shortly afterwards and nearly died."

A more serious incident involving Crowley also concerned Maxwell Knight, the secret head of British Intelligence. Charles Henry Maxwell Knight joined MI5 in 1924 and was to have considerable influence with the intelligence hierarchy and the government. He recruited and ran individual agents. Max Knight thrived on the intrigue and greatly enjoyed the trappings of counter-espionage. Different agents knew him simply as 'M' (later made famous in the James Bond novels). His secretary Joan Miller compiled long lists of British people who were Nazi sympathizers. 

Knight penetrated both the Right and Left and had recruited agents in every walk of life. According to Christopher Andrews in Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community (London, 1985), "Knight also had for a time a rather disturbing interest in the occult, going with Denis Wheatley to seances by the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley to research black magic for Wheatley's novels." Maxwell Knight's first wife committed suicide after an occult experience with Aleister Crowley.  

A similar account of the above story is described by Anthony Masters in The Man Who Was M (Oxford, 1984).

It was by now becoming painfully clear to some officials that Aleister Crowley had more or less penetrated the heart of British Intelligence. John Baker White, Director of the Economic League between 1926 and 1939, later wrote that he had been recruited to run "Section D" of a private intelligence agency operated by a "Sir George McGill." According to White, McGill's agency "investigated all forms of subversion including communism... the international traffic in drugs and the traffic in women and children... [and] the cult of evil which Aleister Crowley was the centre."

Scotland Yard was no doubt concerned by the fact that several suspicious deaths were indirectly being connected to Aleister Crowley. He always claimed that dark, avenging spirits were protecting him from his magical adversaries, causing illness and accident. Yet Sir George McGill and other inspectors probably saw the known pattern of a serial killer emerging in Crowley's peculiar attitude to the tragic deaths of those around him.

Before Scotland Yard could lawfully seize Aleister Crowley, he supposedly quietly died in December of 1947. When the authorities arrived to investigate, they found that Crowley's Satanic disciples had broken into a countryside chapel and staged a secret "last rite" which involved sex orgies and the desecration of the small chapel. A handful of ashes found in a jar were reported to be Crowleys' last remains. An official coroner holding inquests on deaths was one of Crowley's followers, who call themselves New Age "Thelemites." Crowley's morphine-prescribing physician died within 24 hours.

Did Crowley die in 1947?

Did Aleister Crowley suddenly die in 1947, or did he conveniently go into hiding after the collapse of Nazism? Leaving that question unanswered, Gershom Scholem, the leading historian of mysticism at the University of Jerusalem, later wrote that Aleister Crowley died in 1946. A typographical error? Scholem categorized Crowley as an occultist of "supreme charlatanism." Undoubtedly, the world was lied to about Hitler's double.

(See Cryogenics: Scientist Guard)

Surrender Rejected?

On the 10th of May 1941, Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, flew to Scotland where he landed by parachute and surrendered to Britain. Was he a deranged peacemaker or the bearer of a message so bizarre it was not believed? Had Rudolf Hess discovered that his Fuhrer was an impostor? 

Outraged Reich leaders quickly announced that Hess had been suffering from "a worsening mental condition." Most of Germany's Masonic lodges were violently forced to close. In Britain, secret intelligence agent Ian Fleming was carefully arranging a face-to-face meeting between Rudolf Hess and Aleister Crowley. But Fleming's proposal was rejected by his superiors of higher rank in the British Intelligence Department. Hess himself was finally treated summarily as either a madman or a doppelganger. He died in Spandau Prison in 1987. It appears that Hess committed suicide by hanging himself.


Recognizing the serious nature of identity fraud and the long term ramifications to its victims, the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 criminalized fraud in connection with the unlawful theft and misuse of personal identifying information, regardless of whether it appears in or is used in documents.   - FBI

In May 2002, US Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered federal prosecutors nationwide to speed up investigations and trials of people accused of stealing identities
- DAVID HO, Associated Press

"But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best. In the Sacrifice during Invocation, however, it may be said without fear of contradiction that the death of the victim should coincide with the supreme invocation." - Aleister Crowley

A blurred portrait is visible in the controversial photos of Adolf Hitler's "doppelganger suicide." Tthe out-of-focus portrait on the corpse is actually a picture of the Fuhrer himself. The portrait is from a now-famous series of photos taken by Heinrich Hoffmann, who was Hitler's personal photographer and "corporate" image maker.  Continue > Go to Next Page >

Final Switch-Over:
Photographic Trickery and 
the Likelihood of Fraud



Was Osama bin Laden the "magic child" of Egyptian-born physician Ayman Mohammed Rabie Zawahiri and other Secret Chiefs? Why did bin Laden suddenly "transform" in 1989? 

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Athens Bunker: Extraordinary Rendition?

     In 1980 I briefly rented a basement apartment in Athens, Greece  (Lycabettus - Kolonaki district). One day while cleaning, I discovered a framed canvas that covered a metal door in one of the walls. It looked like a submarine door with an air lock. I called some friends over to help me open it. We had to remove parts of the wooden floor-boards. The bunker walls were a few feet thick. When we opened the door, we found the evidence of a Nazi torture chamber, which I immediately photographed.

The chair with a hole in it was found near the bloody mattress in a corner of the Lycabettus bunker next to a pile of burnt newspaper shreds from the early 1940s featuring articles about the Nazis.

A small ball of clay or soil, pressed around the foot of the chair, bewildered us. We later concluded that "feet of clay" were used to psychologically torture a hostage tied to the chair, who was probably ordered not to move, but to remain perfectly still and motionless at all times. Any movement of the chair would cause the clay lump to crumble and break into smaller fragments. The guards could then measure even the slightest movements that had occurred while they were not in the bunker, and punish the hostage accordingly. A hole in the seat of the chair may have been due to an act of extreme violence or a malicious experiment. I sent the photos to the local police department, but they arrived too late. When the authorities finally got there about a month later, I had been evicted and the evidence had already been removed.

It haunted me for some time. The big question was: who was the Lycabettus hostage or victim of this torture chamber? I visited libraries and bookstores looking for war photos that might resemble the Kolonaki bunker. Then in 1997, I found an official war picture that matched up perfectly. 

The mathematical likelihood that similarities between mattress folds, blood spots, and markings on the floor are due to random coincidences is astronomical. In other words, it is more probable that a comet will fall into your tea cup than for the bunker resemblances to be the results of sheer chance.

Please note that I am not out to "prove" anything with this description. I mainly wish to publish a report of what was found in the Lycabettus bunker so that legal investigators can establish what may have happened there. The only problem is this: The dead person in the official photo appears to be Adolf Hitler's double. The alleged body of the Nazi Fuehrer discovered in the Berlin Chancellery garden had only one testicle according to the Russian autopsy report.

What was a "ghost detainee" doing in the Kolonaki bunker? Was this a case of identity theft or extraordinary rendition? How long was the victim being held as a tortured hostage? How were the Nazis using the Kolonaki - Lycabettus district of Athens during World War Two? A war crime appears to have been committed in the Lycabettus bunker. But why are the authorities today not willing to discover who the victim actually was?

"As to my study of Islam, I got a sheikh to teach me Arabic and the practices of ablution, prayer and so on, so that at some future time I might pass for a Moslem among themselves ...my ability to fraternize fully with Mohammedans has proved of infinite use in many ways." - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

Harpooning the HAARP

Twilight Polarization Reveals Invisible Cyprus HAARP Radiation


Run a Make on...


