The One of Israel was born at Christmas time, 
near Jerusalem.

During the Six Day War, he literally descended from the sky, landing on the Mount of Olives, and officially ended the era of the Gentiles. He became famous in the media during the 1970s when his remarkable mental skills over matter were discovered by the press. Leading world scientists, psychologists, even astronauts, could not explain his phenomenon.

His popularity somewhat faded however, when he claimed that his psychic powers were really from deep space (the heavens). He then went into a secluded state, offering top secret advice to world leaders and actively lobbying the United Nations for world peace.

Not much love you think? Perhaps you mean not much flattery? His wedding feast lasts for a thousand years. Are you upset that the One of Israel, whose mind melts steel, is living well? Then buy gold from him. White raiment, and salve for your eyes. (Revelation 3:18)

Dear Peter,

I never thought of it before, skeptics make fun of the fact that once when I was young and gullible, I said that I was born the 20th of December, the date that some believe Jesus Christ was born... a coincidence.


The One of Israel

October 8, 2000