
Conspiracy One: Over 500 Years

The Templar deserter squinted, inclined on his shield and whispered to the Italian merchant on the slippery raft. "Look, across the water, a Saxon."

"Yes," replied the Italian Crusader with a hungry grin. "Nordic to be sure. This must be the place, indeed. Our Aryan Fatherland."

The Hidden Origins of Nazism

Waiting for them on the far side of the Black Sea, a fair complexioned old man with bright blue eyes silently smiled back at them with outstretched arms. The two Europeans were about to fall into the hands of Khair-ed-din Barbarossa.  Admiral Redbeard himself; the most feared pirate of Ottoman jihad, who stocked his ships with black slaves.  The very prototype of Aryan racism, contrary to popular opinion, was not a Saxon. As a matter of fact, he was about to slay two of them right now. Two who had just abandoned their fath and found their way into his skull and crossbones camp. Welcome to turkey town(c). Learn the old language.

Somewhere near the academic center of Boston, three men in black entered the dream of a sleeping magistrate. One of the male figures stepped forward out of empty space and said:

"By day, you sit in the Court of Appeal with your dark blue suit and fold unread newspapers. You visit the Bar Association every afternoon, and tip your hat to the City Police. But on an appointed hour of the crescent moon, you utter the ritual oaths of an Asiatic tongue, and draw on the robes of the Mamelukes, who tortured boy Crusaders and killed the Bishop of Acre.

"You claim to be in reincarnation, and so be it, for you are that  Templar who deserts Sidon and returns to his homeland dressed as the  enemy.  Perpetually cursed, you wear the turban of the Turk of Sivas, abductor of Behomond, Prince of Antioch. And you rise early in the morning to hum loud and witless ovations to Mohammed Ali and the Templi Orientis."

"What is the meaning of this?" the other man in black asked out of the starkness of the midnight Boston dream.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" demanded the third. "This is but a game - a ritual play?"

Outside, on the streets of the globe, modern skyscrapers blistered in the name of jihad, while bombs and bullets claimed blameless lives.

"You were called upon to defend the trust and values of the western hemisphere," the first man continued. "You were a specialist for the National Bank and the Department of Defense. You were a Freemason of the 33rd degree.  But on the day of our visit we found you wearing the uniform of your very enemy, singing boldly of the Mongols and your Lady Babylon.

"Get dressed. Get dressed for the occasion. We're going to Philadelphia.  Abomination of desolation. Can't you see your solemn duty to Ottoman jihad has found you out? You're a known traitor to the west, dressed for the occasion. The small legal loophole of National Security? Your ceremonial support of Ottoman jihad is now a serious crime in America! So bow down, for your name is erased from under heaven. Your great wealth is ours tomorrow."

One by one, the western agents of Ottoman jihad began to dream of a terrible fall, in high places. It was a one-day war. A day without end. 

The Hidden Origins of Nazism

Another turkey town(c) agent was found dreaming on High Street, along the Thames, where London's Bridge meets the sleek marble of designer furniture.  Three men in black sackcloth entered his dream from a corner of his room in a stormy vision of alcohol. One spoke out of the vapor:

"By day you sit in the House of Lords and the Law Society Council. You are informed and advised by the National Library and even the Secret Intelligence Service waits upon you. But when the hour of the beast arrives, you unveil that splendid diamond of Al-Ashraf, destroyer of Acre. You wear the ring of Al Kamil, sultan of Egypt who approved the betrayal of St. Louis, the massacre of Italians and the plunder of Gaza and Damascus. For when Jerusalem's walls were destroyed and your fellow crusaders were sold as slaves, you denounced the cross of Christ and the star of David.  Then you embraced the ritual of Abra-Melin with Secret Chiefs in Constantinople, and wore the sword of the Turk of Iconium.

"Abomination of desolation. You were a Freemason of the 33rd degree, entrusted to uphold the kindred merits of the Commonwealth. Medical Associations, the Army and Navy Lodges; even Broadcasting Corporations were in your precinct. But on the day of our visit, we found you purring praises to the harem of Ali Baba and honoring Saphadin, the rapist and destroyer of Jaffa. Why try to hide it now? Get dressed. Get dressed for the occasion. We're going to Philadelphia. In full regalia. It's so very plain to see that turkey town(c) comes first in your belief system. The small legal loophole of National Security. Your ceremonial support of Ottoman jihad is now a serious crime in Britain!  So what happens to your England, to your America? When your great wealth is ours tomorrow?"

Welcome to turkey town(c). Learn the old language. Of trickery and Abdullah al Haji. Long before America was a nation, fair complexioned multilingual families from Istanbul sailed into the Danube with Templars and established the lodges of London, Paris and Berlin. They founded the Aryan rituals of Conspiracy One: Ottoman jihad, five hundred years in the making, under the guise of York Rite Masonry. A conspiracy not for Allah or the Sultans. Not for the mullahs or the court. But for the militant legacy of Barbarossa. Redbeard, the Aryan Mameluke. Founder of a secret White Brotherhood of anti-Semitic corsairs and black slave merchants who meet every autumn in the steaming catacombs of the Hagia Sophia. Barbarossa - Magus Orientis - marked like a beast with the skull and the crossbones. Redbeard, bearing the disease of bloodthirst, the mascot of a vain racist faith whose only prayer is: Clean my boots. Do you see how that prayer is answered? In the horror of death camps? In the filth of hades bunker?

The Hidden Origins of Nazism

The war in Turkey against the Kurds represents the single largest use of U.S. weapons anywhere in the world by non-U.S. forces. At 25 million, the Kurds are the largest ethnic group on the planet without their own state.

People in Turkey have starved themselves to death in an increasingly gruesome campaign to highlight -- and, they hope, change -- what critics say is Turkey's shameful prison system, particularly its policy of holding political prisoners in isolation. International human rights organizations say the practice of isolation is inhumane and often leads to abuse of prisoners by guards.

Critics complain that the facilities were designed for "brainwashing" political prisoners, many of whom are teenagers who have been behind bars for years for offenses such as handing out political leaflets at rallies and shouting anti-state slogans.

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

Amnesty Intern/L: US Exports Torture Weapons

Macedonian Press Agency - Feb 28, 2001

Dozens of U.S. firms reportedly sell torture weapons and other related equipment overseas, according to Amnesty International which calls for a ban on these sales.

According to the human rights group, these weapons include high-tech electroshock gear, serrated thumb cuffs that tear the flesh if the victim tries to flee, and leg irons.

"No US company should profit from torture," an Amnesty International spokesperson stated, denouncing all forms of gain that is derived from such activities.

In spite of the fact that it is illegal to own some of this equipment in the US, Amnesty International stated that the Commerce Department has issued a plethora of export licenses for sales, under the category of "crime control equipment", amounting to $97 million from 1997 to date.

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